Work Package WP4 – “Editorial capacity"

“Editorial capacity"

1. The creation of an editorial training programme for the strengthening of the editorial capacity for a group of 30 Romanian publications.
2. The creation of a web platform for editorial support which would allow a great number of Romanian magazines to enter the main knowledge flux.
The editorial training programme involves the creation of a study regarding the evaluation CNCSIS criteria for the magazines, an interview with the editors of 5 most important Romanian magazines with ISI impact factor, the designing of a questionnaire with international expertise regarding the establishing of the selection criteria and the elaboration of the report regarding the selection criteria of the scientific magazines. The “Wild Card” criterion is meant to be used, which will be applied to a limited number of 4 magazines.
The part with the editorial training will be done through a training guide for editors, as well as through the organization of 10 training sessions on specific topics.
The public evaluation event for the implementation of the programme will take place in November 2011 and will consist of both the presentation of the results form the WP4, as well as of the workshops which will have as main aim the evaluation of the obtained results. Considering this, a web page will be launched for the registration of the feedback received from the target group of the project, and also from other participants in the academic scientific life. The event organization will also represent one of the responsibilities of the editorial consultant and will benefit form the corresponding
The editorial support for the magazines included in the programme will consist of the establishing of the teams for the contact between the editors and the chosen consultant, training sessions “on the job”, SWOT analyses of the editorial boards (1/year/magazine) and financial support on the basis of the results obtained along the project.
The activity for the development of a web platform for editorial support - Romanian Editorial Platform is the most important activity of the WP4 and will take place between April 1, 2009 and November 31, 2011, having as reference deadlines August 30, 2010 (the ending/finalization of the editorial platform) and February 28, 2011 (the assistance of the magazines for the use of the platform).

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Deliverables WP4 and Activities


Work package 4 has 4 important activities: Editorial Training, Public evaluation event,Editorial support for magazines included in the programme, The development of a web platform for editorial support


The anticipated results of the WP4 and the delivery dates

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