Work Package WP4 – “Editorial capacity"

“Editorial capacity"

Work Package 4, called “Editorial capacity”, has two objectives: the creation of a training editorial programme and the creation of a web platform for editorial support

Deliverables WP4 and Activities


Activity 4.1 – Editorial Training
            During this event there will be a presentation of the results obtained after the development of the work package 4 and workshops will be organized, having as main objective the evaluation of the obtained results.
            The activity of editorial training (4.1) takes place, having as main objective the elaboration of some strategic plans and of adequate business models for the indexation of the international bibliometric bases (ISI, SCOPUS< INSPEC etc), of a number of around 15 new publications from Romania.
            4.1.1 The establishing of the criteria and the selection of maximum 30 scientific magazines, which will be part of the programmes for the editorial training. Deadline: March 31, 2009. This will involve the creation of a study regarding the CNMCSIS evaluation criteria of the magazines, an interview with the editors of the 5 most important Romanian magazines with ISI impact factor, the creation of a questionnaire with international expertise regarding the establishing of the selection of the magazines and the elaboration of the report regarding the selection criteria of the scientific magazines. The result of these subactivities will be represented by the selection criteria of the scientific magazines for training in the editorial domain/field (R 4.1).
             4.1.2 The selection of the consultant for the editorial training. Deadline: May 31, 2009. In detail, there will be the following actions: the establishing of the reference terms regarding the selection of the consultant for the editorial training, the …..of the………….. for this and the organization of the offer for the consulting services regarding the editorial training. By this activity, the reference terms for the consulting of the editorial training will be obtained (R 4.2)
            4.1.3 The creation of a training guide for editors. Deadline: September 20, 2009. This subactivity will consist of actions such as the establishing of the main editorial objectives of the Romanian magazines, the creation of the guide in written form, case in which the efforts of the WP4 and WP5 will come together. Obviously, this subactivity will lead to the achieving/fulfilling of another anticipated result of the project, namely the guide for the editorial training (R4.3)
            4.1.4 The organization of 10 training sessions. Estimated dates: October 31, December 20, 2009, February 28, 2010, April 30, 2010, June30, 2010, September 30, 2010, November 30, 2010, February 28, 2011, May 30, 2011, August 31, 2011. This subactivity will take place under the responsibility of the selected editorial consultant who will have in view the promoting of the sessions, the application and the selection of the participants, the establishing of the locations and the geographic distribution of these sessions, the agenda of the training sessions.
            4.1.5 The monitoring and the evaluation of the training sessions, which starts on November 1, 2009 and which has as deadline October 31, 2011. This subactivity will also be the responsibility of the editorial consultant and will consist of the organization of the “secretary” of the training sessions, the monitoring of the implementation and the application of the techniques and knowledge gained during the training sessions, the filling in of the evaluation reports of the training sessions. He expected result of this activity consists of the evaluation reports of the training sessions (R 4.3)
Activity 4.2 – Public evaluation event
            During this event, the results obtained after the development of the work package 4 activities will be presented and workshops will be organized, which will have as the main objectives the evaluation of the expected results.
            The event for the evaluation of the programme implementation will take place in November, 2011.
            The results of the activities from work package 4 will be presented and workshops will be organized, which will have as the main objectives the evaluation of the expected results.
            Also, for the registration of the feedback received from the target group of the project, and also form other participants in the academic scientific life, a web page will be created and launched, with specific functions. This will register the opinions and suggestions of the persons involved in the development of the project and will give/transmit the necessary information for the evaluation reports.
Activity 4.3 – Editorial support for magazines included in the programme
            This activity will consist of the creation of some contact teams between the editors and the chosen consultant, training sessions “on the job” and SWOT analyses of the editorial boards.
            Activity 4.3 for editorial support for the magazines included in the programme will take place between July 1, 2009 and November 30, 2011. This will consist of the creation of some contact teams between the editors and the chosen consultant, training sessions “on the job” and SWOT analyses of the editorial boards.
Activity 4.4 – The development of a web platform for editorial support
            The activity for the development of a web platform for editorial support - Romanian Editorial Platform, is perhaps the most important activity of WP4 and will take place between April 1, 2009 and November 31, 2011.
            The aim of the “Romanian Editorial Platform” is to create the technical conditions necessary for the local editorial teams, in order to concentrate on the content published in the Romanian scientific journals, and not on the editorial process as such. The application will assure management facilities belonging to the process of the publication of the scientific journals: presence on the internet, the reception of the suggestions for publication, the evaluation of the manuscripts, the formatting of the publishing form and the electronic distribution.
            The main objective of the Romanian Editorial Platform is to increase the visibility of the Romanian scientific research. The secondary objective is to facilitate the gathering of the reports on the evolution of the current state of the publications with scientific profile from Romania.
            The platform will serve as information deposit managing the history of the publications whose administration it assures. The platform will also assure facilities regarding the dissemination of the information towards the similar external platforms and other interfaces for information access (search engines, dedicated portals etc), and will put at the disposal of the editorial teams the necessary support for the publication of the bilingual versions (Romanian/English), at abstract level and the content level of the article.
In order to have a corresponding organization of the activities made by the editorial teams of the journals and the specific necessities of the platform administrator, a series of packages of modules and functionalities were defined:
-          pattern journals
-          collection of journals
-          management of journals

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