Work Package WP4 – “Editorial capacity"

“Editorial capacity"

Work Package 4, called “Editorial capacity”, has two objectives: the creation of a training editorial programme and the creation of a web platform for editorial support

Deliverables WP4 and Activities


The anticipated results of the work package 4 are:
R 4.1 – The determination of the selection criteria for the scientific magazines for training in the editorial domain – March 31, 2009
R 4.2 - The establishing of the reference deadlines for the consulting of the editorial training – May 31, 2009
R 4.3 – The elaboration of the evaluation reports for the training sessions – August 31, 2011
R 4.4 - The elaboration of a…..caiet de sarcini for the IT platform for editorial support – June 30, 2006
R 4.5 – The development and the implementation of a web platform for editorial support, which will be functional – August 31, 2010
R 4.6 – The elaboration of the synthesis reports regarding the use of the platform – October 31, 2011

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July 2024

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