
Mutual Learning Workshop

Mutual Learning Workshop

Work Package 3 – “Doctorate in universities of excellence” has organized the Mutual Learning Workshop on the 18th of February 2010 at CEPES-UNESCO Conference Rooms.

The aim of this Work Package is to develop an Excellence Program that will help Romanian universities enter prestigious international rankings.

Through this workshop, we wanted to survey the existing models for international excellence. The analysis is and will be based on an exchange of experience among foreign experts specialized in implementing excellence programs in countries like Germany and Japan.

In the beginning of the event, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ioan DUMITRACHE – Project Manager made a short presentation of the Strategic Project “Doctorate in Universities of Excellence – Research Assessment and Support for Scientific Publishing”, followed by Prof. Dr. Eng. Paul Serban AGACHI – “Doctorate in Universities of Excellence” Work package coordinator who presented our view on “Defining a Programme for Universities of Excellence” in Romania.

Two prestigious international experts - Dr. Klaus WEHRBERGER from DFG GERMANY and Professor Akiyoshi YONEZAWA - TOHUKU UNIVERSITY, JAPAN presented their experiences in Universities of Excellence.

In the future, we will develop a methodology for a programme of academic excellence in Romanian universities.

Publishing date:

Events' calendar

March 2025

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