Doctorate in universities of excellence


The aim of this work package is the analysis of the international systems of excellence evaluation in research and the elaboration of an evaluation system

Objectives and Activities


1. The creation of an international panel of experts
            Experimented experts will be chosen, with representative level relevant for consultations and experience exchange regarding the excellence programmes at international level.
2. The comparative analysis of the specific programmes at international level
            The analysis will be made on the 52 existing Phd domains. The possible models that will be taken into account will be:
1)      The Research Assessment Exercise model (Great Britain)
2)      Exzellenz Initiative (Germany)
3)      Project 981 (China), as well as other models of national excellence programmes identified.
Standards like: world leading/international, excellent/national excellent/regional interesting will be defined.
3. Session of Mutual Learning Workshop
It will be made with international and national experts, and with relevant actors at national level. During this workshop the documents in work of the programme will be discussed (specifications and methodologies).
4. The elaboration of the programme specifications and the implementation methodology
            The programme will aim at defining some relevant standards at international level and applicable in national level research. These specifications and methodologies well be discussed in public and they will also be subject for the experience exchange at the international level
5. Public debate of the programme and feedback integration
            The specifications of the excellence programme and the implementation methodology will be the subject of a public debate, within the 4 regional conferences and one national conference, during which the elaborated suggestions/proposals from former activity/work will be analysed. Also, the document in work will be available for consultations for a limited period of time on the project web site. The conclusions of the public debates will be written/included in the final document of the excellence programme.
6. The formulation of recommendations regarding the legislative framework for the programme implementation
            The legislative recommendations which will take the form of an OUG or OM will be made on the basis of the final descriptive document, which includes both the specifications of the programme, and the application methodologies. The enacting of the programme will allow the main result of the work package to become an operational one at national level – the excellence programme.
7. The conference for the presentation of the programme and the recommendations
            This last activity of the work package will regard the communication between the key actors who operate within the research domain and towards all the interested parts of the final version of the programme and of the legislative suggestions necessary fot its application at national level.
            July 16, 2009 – Meeting with key experts
            Meeting with the key representatives of the academic environment for the debate regarding the approach within the activity 3.1.2 – The Comparative analysis of the specific programmes at international level
            This meeting was intended to be a panel which would bring, during a round table, known experts from the Romanian academic environment in order to discuss the approach regarding the WP 3 methodology in general and the creation of the comparative analysis of the specific excellence programnmes at international level.

Publishing date:

Events' calendar

March 2025

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