“Research quality in universities”

Research quality in universities

In the first stage, there has been identified personalities form Romania and abroad with a wide research experience at national and international level who were invited to create/form the multidisciplinary central Panel, having as main objective the elaboration, testing and implementation of the criteria and the general methodology for the evaluation of the scientific research.
At the basis of the preliminary structure form of the domains and the panels with Romanian and foreign experts, being involved in the evaluation process, were the present validation commissions of the doctorate titles CNATDCU, 35 in number. In order to make these panels operational, there has been organized a pyramidal structure, on three hierarchical levels, having 35 subdomains at the basis.
The domain panels, as well as the panels on groups of domains will have a Coordinator/Rapporteur(???). The role of these domain panels will be to propose the evaluation indicators, relevant and specific for each domain, on the basis of the general performance criteria established by the multidisciplinary central Panel.

The national structure of the panels will be made through nomination/conomination and the international one will be made on the basis of the recommendations from the International Advisory Board – IAB, from the project partners and on the basis of their international experience.
            The groups of domains are the following:
            Group 1: 1. Mathematics and IT; 2. Physics; 3. Chemistry; 4. Geography; Geology and Science of Environment
            Group 2: 1. Civil Engineering and Installations; 2. Mechanical Engineering; 3. Aerospace Engineering, Motor Vehicles and Transportations; 4. Chemical Engineering and Science of Materials; 5. Mines, Petrol and Gases; 6. Industrial Engineering; 7. Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications; 8. Systems Engineering, Computers and Information Technology
            Group 3: 1. Philosophy; 2. History; 3. Technology; 4. Philology; 5. Sociology and Social Assistance; 6. Psychology and Education Sciences
            Group 4: 1. Law and Administrative Sciences; 2. Political Sciences, Communication and Media Sciences; 3. International relations and Cultural Studies; 4. Military Sciences and Information
            Group 5. 1. Theatre, Cinematography, Music and Plastic Arts; 2. Architecture and Urbanism.
            Group 6: 1. Economy; 2. Finance and Accounting; 3. Economy and International Affaires; 4. Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Information; 5. Management and Business Administration; 6. Marketing.
            Group 7: 1. Biology; 2. Agricultural and Forest Sciences; 3. Veterinary Medicine; 4. Medical Sciences; 5. Pharmaceutical Sciences.
            After the elaboration of the criteria and general methodology, these will be brought to the notice/attention of the community and they will be discussed during public debates which will be organized in all the important academic centres from the country up to October 23, 2010, date at which both criteria and evaluation methodology will be validated/made valid during a public presentation event in Timisoara.
            Taking into account the fact that the DSE project will determine the creation of a national evaluation framework with international relevance, the whole international practice in the evaluation of research quality has been analysed, the outcome being the deliverable document “Report on/regarding the international practice in research evaluation”.
            The validated methodology will be applied through….pilotare on a group of representative universities from Romania, and, after the possible corrections, its application will be made through an national evaluation exercise.

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Between June and September 2009 there will be a process of nomination/conomination of the experts

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