Expected results

The project aims to train young researchers from universities in view of developing, transferring and reevaluating the scientific knowledge. Together with other complementary results of the project (Guidelines Manual for the scientific authorship, the knowledge sharing platform for researchers), this model of investment in the intellectual capital will result in training professionals for scientific domains which generate intensive knowledge products, with a major impact on enhancing the economical competitiveness. The project is also focused on developing the highly qualified human resources from doctoral schools and implementing a programme of excellence in Romanian universities which will result in classifying some universities of Romania on the top of the first 500 best appreciated universities.

  • Expected results WP4 – Editorial capacity:

    - To select approximatively 30 Romanian journals for enhancing their editorial capacity, enabling them to be registered in the main flow of knowledge by their being indexed in scientometric databases  
    - To elaborate a Training Guide for editors
    - To develop a web platform of editorial support 
  • Expected results WP3 – Doctorate in universities of excellence

    - On the basis of the specific programmes analysis at an international level, to elaborate a referential for the university research of excellence
    - To elaborate a benchmark for research of excellence for each domain
    - To develop an application methodology of the programme of excellence in university research: “Universities of Excellence in Romania”

    - To elaborate recommendations regarding the legal framework for implementing the programme

  •  Expected results WP2 – Research quality in universities
    - On the basis of the international experience in the domain of university research assessment, to establish general assessment criteria and methodology, methodologies and specific indicators for each research domain
    - To validate in the research community the assessment criteria, methodologies and indicators
    - To lead a national exercise of research assessment in Romanian universities
    - To project and to develop an informatic assessment platform, ment to enable making periodical assessment exercises of the research activity in universities in the future, after finishing the project
    - To elaborate recommendations regarding the legal framework and the policies in the domain
  • Expected results WP5 – Scientific publication

    - To directly train a number of approximatively 1000 young researchers in scientific authorship by specific sessions
    - To elaborate a training guide for  scientific authorship and to issue the Guidelines Manual “Elaboration of Scientific Publications”
    - To develop an informatic platform of knowledge “knowledge sharing”

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March 2025

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