Developing, testing and implementing an assessment methodology at international standards
Developing, testing and implementing an assessment methodology at international standards, of the scientific research quality in Romanian universities, taking into account their classification depending on the research performances, and proposing a model which should encourage performance.
2. Developing and testing the methodological framework for implementing a programme of excellence in universities from Romania.
Developing and testing the methodological framework for implementing a programme of excellence in universities from Romania. Another priority is elaborating a model which should enable some universities from Romania, on the basis of their research performance and of a long-term institutional strategic project, to be classified on the top of the first 500 best appreciated universities.
3. Developing the capacity of scientific authorship in order to publish in scientific journals registered in the main flow of knowledge of over 1000 young researchers
Developing the capacity of scientific authorship in order to publish in scientific journals from the main flow of knowledge of over 1000 young researchers.
4. Enhancing the editorial capacity of a group of 30 Romanian publications
Enhancing the editorial capacity of a group of 30 Romanian publications in order to be registered in the main knowledge flow by being indexed in scientometric databases. Creating the REP ("Romanian Editorial Platform") represents another goal – platform compatible with other platforms of international reputation as Springer Link and Science Direct.